Police Distribute Betta Fish to Residents in Ponorogo, Prevent Dengue Fever

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PONOROGO ( Siaptv.com ) – Polres Ponorogo Polda Jatim through the Pulung Police distributed hundreds of betta fish (Betta sp) to the community at Pasar Pulung, Ponorogo, Tuesday (31/01/2023).

Kapolsek AKP Hariadi, S.H., M.H. said the activity was an effort to prevent the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which causes dengue fever.

“During the rainy season like today we have to be aware of Aedes aegypti mosquito attacks. Prevention of a disease is much better than having to treat it,” he said.

According to him, the distribution of betta fish was done because the beautiful colored fish are believed to be effective in eradicating Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae or larvae.

Therefore, his party distributed hundreds of betta fish to the general public at the Pulung market.

The former KBO Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ponorogo Police also hopes that the activity of distributing betta fish can be continued to the community.

“Once again this is a form of preventing the spread of dengue fever,” he concluded

( Efd )

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