The 164th Harjasda Folk Festival, Thousands of Sidoarjo Residents Entertained by Denny Caknan and Charly, Regent Gus Muhdlor Introduces Sipraja Online Services

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Sidoarjo ( ) – The People’s Party in Bumi Jenggala is part of the celebration of the 164th anniversary of Sidoarjo (Harjasda) in 2023. The people of Sidoarjo are entertained by the performances of musicians Denny Caknan and Charly Van Houten. The arrival of two famous musicians at the People’s Party in the parking lot of the East Lingkar Public Service Mall/MPP, last Monday night (30/1) received enthusiasm from the people of Sidoarjo. Thousands of people filled the MPP’s parking lot. During the people’s party, digital public services from the Sidoarjo Regency Government were also introduced to the public. The name is the Sipraja application or the Sidoarjo People’s Service System.

Sipraja, which was introduced this time, has several new services in it. These include services in collaboration with the Sidoarjo District Attorney’s Office, which consists of the Sipatas application or the Sidoarjo District Attorney’s Delivery Messaging System. This service is a ticketed document return service which is immediately delivered to the person’s house after paying the ticket fine online. There is also the Sibojo service application or the Sidoarjo District Attorney’s Ticket Booking System. The service is an optional document retrieval service ticketed at the Sidoarjo District Attorney’s office. There is also an e-law consulting service. This service is a legal consulting service for the community and village government. The service is also used as a legal education service.
In addition to the Sidoarjo Kejari services, this time Sipraja is also filled with services in collaboration with the Sidoarjo Police. Among them are SKCK services or Police Record Certificates, loss report services and digital crowd permit services. It is hoped that the various additions to these new services will make it easier for the community to obtain services.

Gus Muhdlor deliberately encourages his staff to collaborate with vertical agencies in serving the community. With this collaboration optimal public services will continue to be realized.

“A number of vertical agency services have been included in Sipraja services, improving Sipraja services is part of our commitment to building better public services for Sidoarjo Regency,” he said.

In the future, the regent, who is fondly called Gus Muhdlor, will continue to improve the existence of Sipraja services. The addition of types of digital services will continue to be carried out. With digital services like this, it will provide many conveniences for the community.

“We can’t be complacent, we will add more services to this application,” he concluded. Git ( Wic )

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